You’ve wanted that paver patio for years – thinking of the entertaining you’d do, the birthday parties, the backyard BBQs and time well spent with the family.  Now that you have it, you want to preserve it and keep it looking good as new.  All those events are perfect for the patio, but spilled wine, grease, BBQ sauce and other party staples can cause permanent staining to your patio if you don’t protect it properly.

Here are a few tips to keep your pavers looking beautiful and staying stain-free:

1. First thing to maintaining a beautiful patio is backing up a few steps to to selecting the right pavers to begin with.  Not all pavers are created equal and investing a little more up front may save headaches and disappointments afterward.  Ask Monument Landscapes about pavers that have a factory-applied sealant that helps to protect your patio from the get-go.

2.  Keep your pavers in party mode by regularly hosing it down and sweeping it free of dirt and debris.  Tree droppings, grass clippings, moss and weeds can make their way onto your patio and cause breakage and staining.  Keeping it free of these items help to maintain the integrity of your patio long-term and make it easier to spot and clean up spills.

3. Inspect your patio post-party to look for spills and drips, being sure to sweep them up or wipe them off as soon as you can.

4.  Oily/greasy stains can be addressed with a little mild dish detergent, hot water and a stiff brush.  Let the soap have a chance to soak in by letting it sit for a half hour or so and then give a little scrub – not too hard – and those pavers should be good to go.

Pavers are sturdy and should look beautiful for many years with regular care.  If it’s too late, however, and the damage is done, talk to Monument Landscapes about replacing the pavers in the affected area.  Tip: It’s always good to keep a few extra pavers on hand at installation for just this reason.

See tips on removing other kinds of stains from your paver patio, walkway and driveway.


Party on the paver patio with drinks and food